Contact Person
Select Documents
Document Request Form
Step 1 - Contact Person Information
Document Request Form
Step 2 - Current Owner Information
Document Request Form
Step 2 - New Owner Information
Document Request Form
Step 2 - Lawyer Information
Current Owner
New Owner
Document Request Form
Step 3 - Select Documents
*You will receive your documents within 7 business days. If you would like to expedite the process you can select the rush price option and receive you documents within 3 business days.
Document Name
Rush Price
Estoppel Certificate
Disclosure Statement
Management Agreement
Owner Occupancy Letter
AGM Minutes (each)
Board Minutes (each)
Budget Fee Schedule
Financials (audited)
Financials Monthly(each)
Insurance Certificate
Insurance Appraisal
Reserve Fund Report
Reports Engineers/Post Tension/Structural
Special Assessment
Standard Insurable units
Recreational Agreements
Total Cost
Note:"Realtors & Owners" Please wait for confirmation of the total amount owing before sending payment.
Terms of Service
1. Payments can be made by certified cheque (lawyers trust cheque) or e-transfer, to [email protected] using the password Calgary.
2. Once payment is received, the document(s) will be supplied by email to address listed above.
*I accept the terms of service
Do you want to submit the form?
The form will be sent with the requested documents. Once we have received the email we will contact you
Thank you
Your documents were successfully requested! We will contact you as soon as possible.
UrbanTec Property Management Inc.